I finally decided to spend the money and buy a Mac foundation, and I have to say I'm not disappointed! I have both sensitive skin and skin that is prone to break outs, so I've very cautious when trying any new foundation. However I was pleasantly surprised when I didn't break out from my sample the lovely Mac lady gave me. I also love how you can have this foundation fairly thin or you can built it up for days when you want more coverage. And as an added little bonus it has SPF 15.

While in Mac I picked up this finisher. Ever since I saw Sprinkle of Glitter's video featuring it I decided to try it out! The lady who was helping me at Mac told me a bit about it and how it's great for finishing off your makeup, but also soothes "angry skin" (her words not mine), and so far I've really enjoyed it.

I recently got a coupon in the mail for 1000 bonus points from Shoppers when you buy any Simple products, and so I thought I'd check out this UK brand that is designed for sensitive skin. After looking at their creams and washes I settled on a face scrub. I tried it as soon as I got home and I have to say it's really good. I found it was refreshing and the little "beads" in it didn't hurt my skin like some other scrubs do. It's only been a few days and I've already noticed an improvement in my skin, so I'd say this product is a win. I'm looking forward to trying more products from them.
During my beauty splurge I picked up the Revlon Lip Butter that I've been meaning to get for a while now. It was actually Kelsey who told me to get them because they're so good! And I can't agree with her more. I love how they moisturize my lips as well as adding colour. I also love how you can have it on fairly thin or you can really pile it up, the shade I got (65 Creamsicle) is great for spring. A must buy!

For a while I've been looking for a brown eye shadow that would compliment my green eyes, and I think I've found one I like and that won't break the bank (I usually grab a Mac eye shadow but seeing as funds are tight I had to skip that). It looks the same in the pot as it does on your eye so you know what you're going to get and you can easily build it up. The eye shadow also has a little bit of sparkles in it, which adds a little a twinkle to your eye.

I've been using this eyeliner for almost a year now, and I still love it! It's a crayon liner which I find really easy to apply. If you're like me and don't like regular pencil liner or you're hopeless at liquid liner, then this is for you! It comes out really black and doesn't smudge too badly, and if you're worried about teary eyes they also have it in waterproof.
Just as I was about to go to Shoppers to pick up some beauty products I noticed that I had gotten a coupon in the mail for a free John Frieda Hair Colour kit, from their Precision Foam line. And since it was free I picked one up! I tried it that night and I have to say I wasn't overly impressed. Yes the foam is easier to apply, but it's also a long process. Also I had picked out "Dark Chocolate Brown" and instead what came out was more of an Auburn. So would I purchase it again? Probably not.

My Marc Jacob's Daisy Perfume (which I have to say is my all time favourite) is almost running out so I thought that I would pick up a different perfume and try that out. After looking around for a while I chose this new Coach one. As soon as I smelled it I knew that was the one I wanted to get, it's fresh and has floral undertones which aren't overpowering. I would even go as far to say that it's the perfect perfume for Spring / Summer.
Finally I got some more nail polish remover. It's important to have a good remover when doing your nails and I've come to love this Quo one. And it's not overly priced either, which is always a winning factor in my mind!
I hope you all enjoyed my beauty haul! Have any of you tried theses products and loved or hated them? Do you have any suggestions for great beauty buys? Be sure to let us know in the comments or you can tweet us. Hope all of you have a lovely spring day!
-xx Sally
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